Computer Graphics Question Paper 2014


Computer Graphics Question Paper 2014 for BPUT M.Tech 1st Semester in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Information Technology (IT) is given below for download. This question paper was asked is the 1st sem. exam of 2014-16 admission batch. Read below for more details.


1st Semester Regular/ Back Examination-2014

Computer Graphics Question Paper 2014

Branch : Computer science & Engineering, Computer Science, IT
Time : 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70


Q1 Answer the following questions:

a) What do you mean by aliasing? How it can be avoided ?

b) Distinguish between Flood-fill and Boundary fill algorithm.

c) Why Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm works only for convex clipping regions?

d) Distinguish between Interpolated Spline and Approximated Spline.

e) What do you mean by Window? Why is the shape of window generally rectangular?

f) Differentiate between Image-space method and object-space method for hidden surface removal? Which one is easier to implement?

g) Differentiate between self similar fractals and self affine fractals.

h) How much time is spent scanning across each row of pixels during screen refresh with a resolution of 1280X1024 and a refresh rate of 60 frames per second?

i) Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm uses Integer arithmetic. What is the justification for this approach?

j) Differentiate between Local Illumination mode and Global Illumination model.


a) State and explain Bresenhanis line drawing algorithm with a suitable example.

b) Reflect a diamond shaped polygon whose vertices are given as A(-2,0), B(0,-3), C(2,0) and D(0.3) about the line y=x+4.


a) What do you mean by clipping? State and explain Sutherland-Hodgeman algorithm of polygon clipping.
b) Why the Midpoint Circle algorithm is named so? Using Midpoint circle drawing algorithm, draw a circle whose center is at origin and radius is 8 units.

a) What do you mean by Projection? Discuss various types of Parallel Projections. How Parallel Projection is different from Perspective Projection?
b) Suppose R be the window which has its lower left corner at (-3,1) and upper right comer at (2,6), for each of the following line segments, state whether it is visible, invisible or partially visible.
(i) (-3,2) to (1,5)
(ii) (-1,5) to (3,8)
(iii) (1,-2) to (3,4)
In case of partially visible, find the points of intersection with window.

a) Why are hidden surface removal algorithms needed? State and explain Depth Sort algorithm with its advantages and disadvantages.
b) Magnify the triangle with vertices A(1,1), B(2,3) and C(5,2) to three times its size while keeping B(2,3) fixed.

a) What do you mean by polygon rendering? Discuss Gouraud shading model with its advantages and disadvantages. How is it different from Phong Shading model?
b) Define Bezier curve and point out its properties. How it differs from B-spline curve? Find the equation of Bezier curve which passes through the points (0,0) and (-1,2) and is controlled through points (6,5) and (1,1).

a) What is boundary fill algorithm? Explain any one approach to describe boundary fill algorithm.
b) What do you mean by animation? Discuss the steps for designing animation sequences.

Q8. Write Short Notes (Any Two)
a) Window-to-Viewport transformation
b) BSP Tree
c) Half-toning

Updated: December 25, 2015 — 7:18 pm

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