OTET 2012 Paper-2 Child Development & Pedagogy Questions


In 2012, First OTET Exam was held. OTET 2012 Paper-2 Child Development & Pedagogy Questions Paper is given below. These 30 questions were asked in the 2012 Paper-II Exam.

OTET 2012 Paper-2 Child Development & Pedagogy Questions


1. Which method of studying the behaviour of the educand is not possible on the part of the teacher ?

  1. Observations
  2. Interview
  3. Assessment
  4. Family Position

2. Which characteristic is not seen in a creative individual ?

  1. High memory power
  2. Originality
  3. Dependability
  4. Independent thinking

3. Which one doesn’t come under motor learning ?

  1. Drawing
  2. Speaking
  3. Joining dots
  4. Cycling

4. Which shall the teacher do in the class-room for the hearing impaired children ?

  1. Reading while writing on the black board
  2. Ask the chil to sit on the front bench
  3. Using more audio-visual aids
  4. Write large size letters on the black-board

5. What shall the teacher do to increse the retentive power of the child ?

  1. Use proper stimulus
  2. Arrange frequent assessement system
  3. Arrange diagnostic tests
  4. Arrabge frequent learning of the topic

6. Which one should not be used frequently as as external motivation ?

  1. Praise
  2. Prize
  3. Punishment
  4. Competition

7. Which one is not a characteristic of the learning process ?

  1. A contionus process
  2. Brings changes in the behavious
  3. A social process
  4.  A cumulative process

8. Curiosity is an example of which development ?

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Intellectual
  4. Social

9. Which process takes place throughout human life ?

  1. Physical growth
  2. Learning process
  3. Intellectual development
  4. Social development

10. The mental health of a chil does not depend on which factor ?

  1. Teacher’s knowledge
  2. Relationship with peers
  3. Financial condition of the family
  4. Quarrel between parents

11. According to which learning theory the educand reaches the goal all on a sudden after a few random trials ?

  1. Trial and error theory
  2. Insightful learning theory
  3. Theory of conditions
  4. Field theory

12. What type of evaluation is the High School Certificate Examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, odisha ?

  1. Placement
  2. Formative
  3. Diagnostic
  4. Summative

13. What is the age limit of early childjood according to Hurlock ?

  1. 0 to 6
  2. 2 to 6
  3. 2 to 10
  4. 0 to 2

14. Which three factors are related with skill of questioning ?

  1. Structure of question, process of questioning and personality of teacher
  2. Process of questioning, product of question and personality of teacher
  3. Structure of question, product of question and personality of teacher
  4. Structure of question, process of questioning and product of question

15. What type of evaluationis done during teaching ?

  1. Placement
  2. Formative
  3. Diagnostic
  4. Summative

16. What happens in the child-centred education ?

  1. Child learns of his own accord
  2. Child is more active than the teacher
  3. Teacher gives more task to the child
  4. Teacher’s presence is not necessary in learning

17. What is an objective question ?

  1. Question which measures a fixed objective of learning
  2. Question based on a fixed topic
  3. Question having a fixed answer
  4. Question measuring more than one objective of teaching

18. How is the reliability of a test measured ?

  1. The same group of students are examined twice and the co-efficient of correlation between their scores is calculated
  2. The same group of students are divided into two halves and their marks are compared
  3. Two different groups of students are examined and the co-efficient of correlation is calculated
  4. The test is analysed by subject specialists

19. Which is a characteristic of intelligence ?

  1. It increases throughout life
  2. Intelligence has no relationship with heredity
  3. Intelligence has no relationship with environment
  4. Intelligence increses  upto a fixed age

20. The central point of the teaching-learning process is :

  1. Test book
  2. Teacher
  3. Educand
  4. Curriculum

21. Which stage of growth and development of the child is called as a period of stress and strain ?

  1. Infancy
  2. Early childhood
  3. Late childhood
  4. Adolescence

22. Which one of the following is not considered for preparing the curriculum ?

  1. Needs of the educand
  2. Paresnts opinion
  3. Social value
  4. Views of specialists

23. What is the common characteristic of children having learning disabilities ?

  1. I.Q. less than 70 and very poor learning achievement
  2. I.Q. between 70 and 85 and very poor learning achievement
  3. Normal intelligence quotient and poor learning achievement in relation to I.Q.
  4. High I.Q. and poor learning achievement

24. Which one is correct for child centred approach in teaching ?

  1. Teacher works as as pathe finder
  2. Child learns by rote memory
  3. Teachers presence is the class-room is not necessary
  4. While the chil remains active the teacher remains completely inactive

25. Which of the following statements refers to evolution ?

  1. Hari has secured 90 marks in Mathematics
  2. A, completed 100 meters race in 1 minute and stood second
  3. Basu types 40 words a minute
  4. Ram has secured more marks in Mathematics than Hari

26. Which statement is applicable for teacher-centred learning ?

  1. Educand gets opportunity to ask question
  2. No opportinity to be unmindful
  3. More useful for morons
  4. Teacher becomes more active

27. “Hit the iron when hot” this statement is based on Thorndike’s which law of learning ?

  1. Law of readiness
  2. Law of excise
  3. Law of effect
  4. None of these

28. Who prepare the first intelligence test ?

  1. Cyril burt
  2. Alfred Binet
  3. M.A. Merril
  4. L.M. Terman

29. Which one is a characteristic of intelligence ?

  1. Hereditary and it is influenced by environment
  2. A gift of the environment
  3. Increases up to a fixed age
  4. Increases through out the life

30. How does study of educational psychology help the teacher ?

  1. For acquiring more knowledge in the topic, the teacher has to teach
  2. For knowing the family history of the child
  3. To know the relation of the child with his peers
  4. To increase his own occupational efficiency
Updated: June 14, 2015 — 3:58 am

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